Internet Resources
Here is a collection of Online Resources, categorized by topic, that will help you with your assignments.
Here is a collection of Online Resources, categorized by topic, that will help you with your assignments.
A factbook created and maintained by the CIA. Contains information about the geography, people, government, economy, transportation, military, and international issues for most countries of the world.
The free online version version of the popular print encyclopedia. Updated frequently, the online version now supersedes the print edition.
The online version of the popular almanac.
The world's largest database for articles and research reports in the field of education. This database would also be useful for those studying applied behavioural sciences, child and youth care, and youth ministry. This database is free, so no passwords are needed for home access.
The online version of the popular and authoritative print encyclopedia.
The site searches Scripture passages from over 15 English translations of the Bible and a number of foreign language translations. Audio versions of many translations are available here.
Contains contemporary photographs of important of important locations in the Bible.
Created by Craig Koester at Luther Seminary, this site provides basic introductions to all the books of the Bible.
The site has older commentaries now in the public domain available free on its site.
One of the more important websites for material on Reformed theology and apologetics.
One of the finest sites on the web for primary source documents relating to Christianity.
This site contains different translations of the Bible, commentaries, lexicons, and much more.
"The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) is very proud to present the Leon Levy Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Library, a free online digitized virtual library of the Dead Sea Scrolls."
An online, freely accessible, peer-reviewed journal of Wesleyan and Methodist Studies.
Created by Mark Goodacre at the University of Birmingham, this site is an excellent guide to New Testament research on the Internet.
Contains electronic texts on Luther and Lutheranism.
Created by Torry Seland, professor at Volda University College in Norway, this site focus on Biblical Studies and information relating to Philo of Alexandria.
Contains more than 5,200 articles, chapters and books relating to the study of religion and theology.
Maintained by the Society of Biblical Literature, this sites publishes reviews of books dealing with biblical studies.
Based in Poland, this website includes in print and out of print Bible dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances, and lexicons. Of particular note is the Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology.
The Wabash Center Internet Guide was created as a guide to the better academic content available on the Internet covering a wide range of topics including theology and religion.
The Wesley Center Online is supported by Northwest Nazarene University. It contains online versions of Wesley's writings and sermons.
An apologetics organization run by apologist and theologian James White.
This site contains much useful information on apologetics and defending Christianity.
The online site of the C.S. Lewis Society. Contains an excellent collection of resources written by experts on apologetics.
The website of the Barna Research Group.
An excellent web portal created by the publishers of Christianity Today, Leadership, Books and Culture, Campus Life, and a number of other Christian magazines.
Maintained by the the Alban Institute and the Indianapolis Center for Congregations, this site was created 'to help congregational leaders connect with resources they need to gain insight into problems and to encourage transformation in their communities of faith'.
Website of the Evangelical Homiletics Society.
Sponsored by Christian Leadership Ministries, which is part of Campus Crusade for Christ, this site hosts a collection of articles on a wide range of topics relating to Christian ministry.
The personal website of the popular writer and speaker on Church ministry in postmodern culture.
Contains a wealth of material related to worldview studies and apologetics.
An American organization dedicated to the cell church model of Christian ministry.
Designed especially for excutive pastors, senior pastors, and other senior-level church leaders.
The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) has established the Centre for Research on Canadian Evangelicalism (CRCE), which seeks to enhance the effectiveness of ministry carried out by Evangelicals in Canada and shed light on the character and role of Evangelicalism in Canada.
One of the finest sites on the web for primary source documents relating to the history of Christianity.
Includes an online version of the Mennonite Encyclopedia as well as various other articles and essays relating to Mennonite and Anabaptist studies.
This is a list of sources in Canadian Religious History that was produced by the Canadian Catholic Historical Association.
Provides the text of papal encyclicals and other papal documents.
This is a collection of American and English literature and philosophy texts in electronic format.
The Google Book Search project is digitizing millons of books in libraries located worldwide. Books that are out of copyright are free to view and download.
Created and maintained by a librarian at Penn State University, this web site indexes material from online book and electronic text sites from around the world.
A online guide to the best websites on child development and family issues. The ratings are based on authority, ease of use, content, and the stability of the site. Updated on a regular basis.
Created and maintained by the Department of Psychology and Jacksonville State University in Alabama, this online encyclopedia collects articles relating to psychology and arranges them by subject.
The Institute of Marriage and Family Canada (IMFC) conducts, compiles and presents the latest and most accurate research to ensure that marriage and family-friendly policy are foremost in the minds of Canada’s decision makers. Includes the IMFC Review magazine.
A well maintained site created by Dr. John Grohol. Contains much valuable information regarding disorders such as depression, alcoholism, anxiety, eating disorders, and various other aspects of counseling.
An excellent collection of web sites relating to missions and missions studies maintained by a professor at Wheaton College.
Contains a vast collection of articles about all aspects of missions. Not all content is freely available.
An e-book published by the Metropolitan State University in Minnesota on how to write various kinds of assignments, including annotated bibliographies, book reviews, and persuasive essays, just to name a few examples.
Contains very good examples for citing sources in Turabian and APA citation formats.
A guide from the U of C on grammar and punctuation basics, as well as how to write book reviews and get through writer's block.
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